Project Area
The Wood River Wolf Project implements nonlethal deterrents in the Project Area to keep wolves away from livestock. The Project Area is shown on the map below and includes U.S. Forest Service grazing allotments in Blaine County where there is significant sheep presence during the grazing season. The Project Area is entirely within the Wood River drainage in Blaine County, Idaho. Sheep enter the Project Area in May and the last sheep bands depart in October, typically after the Trailing of the Sheep Festival.
The WRWP's Project Area is within the Sawtooth National Forest and includes parts of several mountain ranges, including the Pioneer, Boulder, and Smoky Mountains. The Project has grown since it began in 2008 to protect sheep and wolves in adjacent U.S. Forest Service allotments.
Map created by: Wood River Wolf Project team
Data Sources: Stewart Breck (USDA/APHIS) and National Geographic basemap