One of the main goals of the Project is to inform communities outside of the Wood River Valley about ways they can coexist with wolves. We have had several opportunities to host and travel to educate others about what we do at the Project. Below are some of the various meetings, events, and conferences where the Wood River Wolf Project has been represented.
Wolves, Sheep and 12 years of Coexistence
Presentation at the Community Library in Ketchum, Idaho on Wednesday, October 30 from 6:00 - 7:30 pm. Join us for an evening learning about a local project that has gained international interest through its pioneering nonlethal measures protecting domestic livestock and wild predators like wolves. Project leaders Larry Schoen, former Blaine County Commissioner, and Suzanne Asha Stone, project co-founder, will explain why sheep losses to wolves in the local area are among the lowest in the state and how this benefits both local agriculture and our resident wolf packs.
The Wood River Wolf Project has just quietly completed its 12 year in the valley while serving as a model for livestock and wildlife conflict management across the west and around the world. Find out how you can become involved in this effort and why it matters to our ranching, ecological and tourism efforts. Free to the public. Details - contact
Coexistence Workshop in Big Timber, Montana
October 2019
Compassionate Conservation Workshop in Pray, Montana
October 2019
Human Wildlife Dimensions - Colorado State Pathways 2019 Conference
September 2019
Coexistence Training Workshop in Medford, Oregon
September 2019
Coexistence and Nonlethal Tools Workshop in Elgin, Oregon
June 2017
Reid Hensen (Lava Lake/WRWP intern for the summer of 2017) and Claudio (camptender of Lava Lake Land & Livestock for 15 years), represented the Wood River Wolf Project at a Coexistence and Nonlethal Tools Workshop in Elgin in the Blue Mountains of Oregon. They brought along a WRWP Band Kit and showed operators and herders how to use the nonlethal tools. Thanks to Shane Stevenson and Cameron Krebs of Krebs Livestock, and Suzanne Stone for organizing this event!
Reid and Claudio demonstrating the use of nonlethal tools. Photo: Shane Stevenson
The Wildlife Society's Colorado Chapter's Annual Meeting
Gray Wolf Conservation and Management Symposium in Fort Collins, CO
February 2017
Avery Shawler, the Project Coordinator, spoke about the success of the Project and how coexistence is possible. She spoke among highly-respected wolf biologists such as Dave Mech, Mike Phillips, Doug Smith, Carter Niemeyer (WRWP Collaborator), and others.
A screenshot from the Oversight Hearing video
A screenshot from the video of the congressional hearing
April 2016
Brian Bean spoke at a congressional hearing on the Endangered Species Act applauding its success with the comeback of grizzly bears and wolves. You can view the video of the hearing here and Brian starts speaking around the 51:00 minute mark.
Left to right: Brian Bean, Larry Schoen, Suzanne Stone, and Carter Niemeyer.
Photo: Avery Shawler
March 2016
Brian Bean spoke in front of Idaho legislators about the Project. Other Project collaborators were present and answered questions from legislators. Listen to the presentation here.
Nonlethal Tools: Ranching with Predators Workshop in McArthur, California
February 2016
Brian Bean gave a presentation remotely to ranchers in an event organized by USDA APHIS Wildlife Services. Here's a blog post from Defenders of Wildlife about the event:
Wolf Advisory Group Meeting in Spokane, Washington
December 2015
Brian Bean spoke about nonlethal tools specifically in regard to preventing sheep depredation. He presented alongside Hilary Zaranek, a range rider from a cattle operation in the Centennial Valley in Montana.
Wood River Wolf Project Training Workshop
June 2014
The Project hosted a two-day training workshop with a classroom and field component to train people how to use nonlethal tools and techniques. People from all over the country and all over the world participated.
Participants of the workshop out in the field.
Photo: Suzanne Stone
Classroom component of the workshop.
Photo: Suzanne Stone